Do you fall into one of these categories?
- An interesting story to tell
- Historical or personal history that you wish to preserve for future generations
- Hobby or pastime that you want to share with others
- Would like a publication to celebrate an organisation’s achievements
- You have been told to write a book

We can help you. Whether you want just one copy or thousands, we can print it.
How do I go about it?
ISBN: An ISBN number is required for all books that are sold through bookshops. If the book is only for personal or family circulation there is no need for this number. If necessary we can obtain this for you.
Size: The most economical size is A5, 2/3A4, or A4. If you work outside of these sizes there is a lot of paper waste, but most sizes can be accommodated.
Pages: The amount of pages must be divisible by 4. Imagine a newspaper that has 4 pages on each sheet which are then placed on top of one another – this is how the book is gathered. It is preferable not to have the paper too white but we will discuss options with you. Pictures, photographs, graphs etc. can be used, but the quality of the originals must be good.
Text: This can come to us is many formats. Scribbled pages of an exercise book, typed up sheets, or as media files, either on disk or electronically. Our typographer will transfer this text into a book. If illustrations are used these need to be kept on a different file and an indication given where they are to be placed. A sample of a few pages is given at the start to ensure you are happy with the layout and fonts.
Colour: You can have colour but this is more expensive. It is best if the colour pages are printed together on the same 4 page piece of paper (remember the newspaper) this will give you 2 pages in the front half of the book and 2 pages in the back half. Of course, these can be in multiples – 10 pages at the back, and 10 pages at the front.
Cover: The most important bit if you are looking at selling your book! For most self publications books are printed in paperback. The materials used are usually a heavy card (350gm) coated stock and then laminated for protection. We would definitely recommend this be in colour; a photograph always looks good.
Binding: For paperback books there are 2 different types of binding this is usually dependant on the amount of pages. For fewer than 88 pages we would recommend saddle stitching (staples). For over 64 pages perfect binding is a lovely neat finish. This is a binding technique where the books are gathered together and then the folded edge is sliced off. Adhesive is applied to this edge and then the cover is wrapped around all the pages. The effect is a squared off back like a telephone directory. The binding of hardback books is a specialised trade and is not done in-house. Here the pages are sewn in sections and encased in hard card cover which is then covered with a cloth finish and can be gold blocked on the front and spine. The cover can also be a printed picture which is laminated and stuck onto the card.
Quantity: We can produce as many books as you want but generally speaking 500 would be a minimum quantity for an author to try and break even. Don’t let this put you off though, any quantity can be considered.
Timescales: Usually about a month. This will depend on whether we have to set all the text and how long the author takes to read the proofs! Once the proofs have been signed off the books should be with you within 3 weeks.
Cost: We will discuss binding, paper, amount of pages etc. with you, then prepare a quotation. You may wish to consider the possibility of different print runs – 500, 1000, 5000.
In the end it is your book and we are here to help you have it printed. Just give us a ring with all your questions and we will talk you through the whole procedure.